At Beeston Primary School children may choose between school dinners and packed lunches each day.

School Dinners:

School dinners should be ordered through SchoolGrid – all pupils must be present in class at morning registration to have their chosen meal. Please contact the office for more information if required.

School Dinner Menus:

(Please note the dates for each week)

Lunch Menu (Feb 2025 – July 2025)

Please Note…

If your child is late to school, they will be automatically allocated the Vegetarian option – if this is not available, your child will be allocated a suitable alternative option.


Foundation Stage 1:

£2.58 per day.

Foundation Stage 2:

Free of charge (under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme)

Years 1 and 2:

Free of charge (under the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme)

Year 3 to 6:

£2.75 per day

Free School Meals:

Is your child entitled to Free School Meals? Free School Meals is a national government scheme that seeks to give extra support to families by providing eligible children with a free meal at school each day. Leeds City Council ensure meals provide the right balance of nutrients so children are able to grow, learn and play.

If you think that you might be eligible, we encourage you to make an application.

Pupils may be entitled to Free School Meals if parents/carers are in receipt of the following benefits.

  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • Income based Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £16,190
  • The Guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
  • The Guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with an annual income of less than £7,400

Please note: if parents/carers are in receipt of Working Child Tax Credit, your child will not qualify.

To apply, visit Leeds City Council’s website by clicking on the following link:

If you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 0113 2716978 or via email –

Packed Lunches:

We ask that all packed lunches be based on the School Food Trust’s food based standards for packed lunches. Please see the packed lunch policy for more information.

Packed Lunch Policy










Who is eligible for the subsidised products

“In England, Scotland and Wales, pupils regularly attending Ofsted-registered pre-school, nursery, primary or secondary school are eligible for subsidised milk, milk products and yoghurt.

In these areas, all pre-school children who are under 5 years old and in day care are eligible for free milk under the Nursery Milk Scheme.

Pupils under 5 years old (‘rising fives’) in primary education reception classes are eligible under either the School Milk Subsidy Scheme or the Nursery Milk Scheme but not both.” (

At Beeston Primary School, children who attend Foundation 1 are entitled to one free carton of milk per session. In Foundation 2, children will continue to be entitled to free milk until the end of the term of their 5th birthday.

Please see below for associated charges for this academic year if you would like your child to have milk after the term of their 5th birthday (FS2 pupils):

Children born between: 2nd September – 5th January (inclusive)- £22.00

Children born between: 6th January – 20th April (inclusive) – £11.00

Children born between: 21st April – 31st August (inclusive) – £0.00

All other children are entitled to subsidised milk at the cost of £33 per year.

Payment is via your child’s SchoolMoney account – please contact the school office for assistance.